
The Forest Returns. These are stories of rebuilding and restoring the health, wealth and resilience of forests – near and far.

Who doesn't like good news?

Tales of people working together to wrestle with problems and find inspiring solutions?

News that reminds us of the wonders, importance, gifts and mysteries of forests, our dependence on them, and their poorly tapped super powers to help solve problems?

Inspired by David Gessner’s Return of the Osprey, this project focuses on positive solutions – without denying or ignoring the significance of the self-inflicted problems that we’re called on to wrestle with.

This project’s purpose is to explore, encourage, support and celebrate the good and positive work of maintaining and rebuilding the health, wealth and resilience of forests and forest-dependent communities. With a main focus on the Pacific Northwest, I won’t resist the lure of sharing stories from further afield. I’ll do this in two ways:

1 - The Blog

I will share relevant news and stories – providing a pooled pathway for connecting with inspiring and useful information.

Stay up to date with new inspiration sent straight to your inbox by subscribing! No more worrying about whether you missed something because of a pesky algorithm or news feed.

2 - "Looking to Forests"

This ever-evolving essay collection invites and encourages constructive
discussion, debate and active engagement. Because forests have valuable lessons to teach us, if we let them, the common thread uniting the essays is looking to forests for what they have to teach us and doing our best to absorb their lessons.

The project is offered and facilitated by me, Peter Hayes, an active forest steward and enthusiast and occasional scribbler in northwest Oregon. Feel free to contact me at: peter_hayes@comcast.net


1 – Just because I have opinions, I don’t assume or presume that they are right or useful. In all writing, my motive is to encourage the exploration of questions and choices as we work to shape harmonious and respectful relationships with the places we call home. My focus is on learning, connecting and gratefully searching for common ground that can be put to good use.

2 – Though I am most fortunate to be a member of the Hyla Woods team and to care for and learn from the Hyla Woods forests, this project and the perspectives shared are independent from the Hyla Woods business.

I invite you to explore and thank you for your involvement.